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Liberty Machines and Dark Tech  

An interview with Evgeny Morozov on The Santiago Boys, a podcast about a project inside the Allende government that tried to use cybernetics to manage an economy under assault.

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The Israeli Right Ignores America  

American officials are debating whether the United States should continue to back the Israeli government. A growing number of Israelis are uninterested in that support.

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Plastic People  

There has long been a gap between stereotypical ideas of women’s empowerment and gendered reality. Barbie explores these contradictions in miniature.

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Money Power  

If we want to move toward a world that meets everyone’s needs, we will need to get serious about the role of money on the left.

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Ultra Violence  

Rachel Maddow’s podcast tells the story of American Nazis in the 1940s. But the era’s real and lasting authoritarian danger came from the spectacular growth of a national security state.

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A Crucial Test for Lula  

The Landless Workers’ Movement aims to remind the Brazilian president that its needs remain—and that they are not necessarily compatible with the desires of agribusiness.

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A War With No End in Sight  

More Russians have died in Ukraine than in all wars the country has fought since 1945 combined. But escalating repression and a culture of helpless disengagement have kept support for the war high.