Toward a Revival of Left Populism
Progressives need to fight and organize for a politics that focuses on class inequality in a consistent and persuasive way.
Progressives need to fight and organize for a politics that focuses on class inequality in a consistent and persuasive way.
To become a party based among workers again, Democrats must remember that partisan commitment often grows from local roots.
Labor Day was the first national holiday that a social movement both created and persuaded the state and businesses to honor.
Memoirs of a Weatherman.
If American leftists take seriously their commitment to self-rule and loathing of foreign aggression, they should shed their ambivalence about supporting Ukraine.
On the left, talk of proletarian revolution has given way to vital debates about how to enact Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, revive unionism, and strip the power of the Supreme Court.
In the 1960s, young radicals saw the university as an ideal site for agitating and organizing. What changed?
Historians have amply demonstrated how central racism has been to the formation and reformation of the United States. But many of those same ideas and institutions have also been vital to combating white supremacy.
The rioters at the Capitol are part of an unbroken American tradition. Sweet talk about our “better angels” did not defeat them before and will not now.
Five Dissent editorial board members discuss what the elections tell us about the path ahead for the left, center, and right in American politics.
Working on Dissent has been both a great pleasure and a ceaseless responsibility. It is time to let others have all the fun and carry most of the burden.
Introducing a special section on the Democrats in 2020.
A socialist president would have to navigate with great skill between the rocks of utopia and the shoals of compromise.
By not giving the battle against racism and for equality its due, Wilfred McClay’s Land of Hope fails to explain how and for whom power was and continues to be wielded in America.
Every reform era came about, in the main, when left-wing movements compelled liberal politicians to back some of their key demands and then collaborated with those lawmakers against their common foes.