Belabored Podcast #26: The Lockout Continues
Belabored Podcast #26: The Lockout Continues
This week Sarah Jaffe is joined by Laura Clawson of Daily Kos to discuss the continuing government shutdown, the debt ceiling, and the larger Republican attack on the legacy of the New Deal. They also find some things to be optimistic about.

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This week Sarah is joined by guest co-host Laura Clawson, editor of Daily Kos Labor and a former Belabored guest. Sarah and Laura try to bring you some cheerful news before diving back into the subject du jour: the continuing government shutdown and with it the drive from the far right to destroy the last vestiges of the New Deal safety net. They also tackle the debt ceiling and the question of whether the right wing is still under the thumb of big business. But don’t despair—there really are a few things to be optimistic about. Really. We promise. (Just not, at the moment, coming from Washington.)
Links for Those Reading Along At Home
Laura Clawson on the shutdown: cutoff of WIC funding, furloughs at the Center for Disease Control, coal miners at risk, NLRB shutdown, food banks taking care of furloughed Grand Canyon workers, and more
Bangladesh garment factory fire kills 10
Teamster organizing victory for public workers in Georgia
Josh Eidelson and Doug Henwood discuss the debt ceiling
Sarah on Kirsten Gillibrand’s forward-thinking economic agenda
Bryce Covert on what Democrats should demand in the shutdown negotiations
The Pieces We Wish We’d Written:
Laura: Ken Ward Jr. at the Charleston Gazette‘s Coal Tattoo blog—on MSHA missing safety inspections, and why West Virginia’s coal mines aren’t safer
Sarah: Steven Greenhouse on the UAW’s battle to organize Nissan in the South