The Ascendancy of the Right  

Since 1973 the world capitalist economy has been undergoing a crisis unprecedented in half a century—”the second slump,” as Ernest Mandel rightly calls it. To be sure, each advanced industrial country has its own history, balance of political forces, and …

The Ascendancy of the Right  

Since 1973 the world capitalist economy has been undergoing a crisis unprecedented in half a century—”the second slump,” as Ernest Mandel rightly calls it. To be sure, each advanced industrial country has its own history, balance of political forces, and …

American Politics in the 1980s  

The United States is clearly in the midst of a “conservative revival.” As usual in such cases of “mood shift,” the revival is spearheaded by intellectuals—particularly those who cluster around the Committee on the Present Danger and Public Interest. Symptoms …