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The Great Race Panic  

White supremacists are seeing the limits of what they can achieve electorally. Now, the raging fear Trump inflames threatens escalating violence.

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The Mind of Paul Booth, 1943–2018  

First in SDS, then in the labor movement, Paul Booth embodied that remarkable, and rare, combination of ideals and strategy. A left that hopes to win has much to learn from his example.

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Tom Hayden (1939-2016)  

A leader in a movement that was already ambivalent about leadership, Tom Hayden was incandescent—all intensity, all intelligence, full of a righteous indignation that I shared.

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Fossil Fuels Off Campus  

While fossil fuel companies and their political allies continue to fulminate, they are losing ground with public opinion—thanks in no small part to the divestment movement on college campuses.

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The Climate Movement Has Arrived  

This post originally appeared at Less than two weeks have passed and yet it isn’t too early to say it: the People’s Climate March changed the social map—many maps, in fact, since hundreds of smaller marches took place in 162 …

A Charter for the 99 Percent  

After November 6, 2012, the big sound rippling around the world was not a chorus of bipartisanship, not a whoop of euphoria, but a collective sigh of relief. Still, it must not be forgotten that nearly half of America’s voters …

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A Charter for the 99 Percent  

Now, the next phase of a 99 percent movement needs to get—and keep—busy. Why do I say “next phase”? Because the Occupy movement that came about in 2011 has accomplished just about as much of its mission as possible.

Sandmonkey: “Too Stupid to Govern Us”  

The easiest Egyptian revolutionaries for a non-Arabic speaking American to find are the young bloggers, wielders of camera-phones, YouTube uploaders, and social-network activists—”shabab al-Facebook,” as they are sometimes known, the Facebook youth credited with the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak. They …