Authentic Freedom
Two recent memoirs by writers born under communism in Eastern Europe reflect on ideas central to the left: cosmopolitanism and socialism.
Two recent memoirs by writers born under communism in Eastern Europe reflect on ideas central to the left: cosmopolitanism and socialism.
David Caute’s thought-provoking, meticulous study tells the story of the conflict between the two dominant ideologies of the last century through the lives of two of their most eloquent adherents, and the deceptions in which each of them allowed himself to engage.
“Communitarianism” entered the language only within the last twenty years. You will not find it in the 1975 edition of Webster’s dictionary, though you will find a “communitarian” there defined as “a member of a society that practices communism.” What …
E.M. Forster introduces his Aspects of the Novel by proposing that “we are to visualize the English novelists. . . as seated together in a room, a circular room. . . all writing their novels simultaneously.” Likewise, Joseph Schwartz summons …
We live in an ever-widening circle of genocides, achieved and attempted, perpetrated in the present and discovered in the past. But we see and care about few of them. Such selective perception is, I believe, encouraged by the often-repeated claim …
Richard Rorty’s case for “prosecuting campaigns” (“Movements and Campaigns,” Dissent, Winter 1995) rather than “defining movements” rests on a carefully built construction of superimposed oppositions: tactics versus strategy; focusing on “what is to be done here and now” rather than …
I propose here to discuss the topic of human rights as seen from the standpoint of five doctrines or outlooks that are dominant in our time. I don’t propose to be fair to these outlooks. Rather, I shall treat them …
Once I had met Irving, I never visited New York without calling on him. Unfortunately, I respected him to excess. Foolishly, I never stayed very long, not wanting to tie up his valuable time. I now nurse the futile belief …
In 1932 R. H. Tawney published an article in which he reflected upon the events of the previous year: the collapse of the Labour government and the massive electoral defeat of the Labour party in which it lost 235 seats, …
. . . there is now, with the existence of a large amount of sociological research on inequality of opportunity and inequality of result, and with the resurgence of interest among moral philosophers in inequality, as manifested in John Rawls’s …