Swedish Elections—a Test for Socialism?  

It was widely, and correctly, noted after the defeat of Sweden’s Social Democratic party that the new “bourgeois” government was unlikely to turn back the clock on the welfare-state policies for which Sweden is renowned. (Swedes, including members of these …

The Bergman Affair  

The Ingmar Bergman affair in Sweden involves both facts and implications. As for the fact: was Bergman guilty of tax evasion? why was Bergman hauled away while directing a rehearsal of Strindberg’s Dance of Death at the Royal Dramatic Theater …

A Letter From Singapore  

Within one month last spring, several events took place that may have shattered Singapore’s image as a democratic outpost in Asia. First, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew had four journalists on a Chinese-language newspaper jailed for printing a picture of Chairman …

Culture, Life Style, and Politics  

There has been much discussion of the youth “counter culture” insofar as it affects prospects of social change in America. The counter culture’s adulators have gone so far as to suggest that the appearance of this new “consciousness” renders a major …