A Critic of Literature and Politics  

Writers and Politics by Conor Cruise O’Brien New York, Pantheon. 259 pp. $4.95. Conor Cruise O’Brien, at least on the international scene the radical-liberal intellectual par excellence, has recently published a new collection of articles and speeches, Writers and Politics. …

A Case for Public Criticism  

In his new book, Morris Dickstein proposes to make a fresh case for a creature he calls the public critic. This is no easy job. Though the designation instantly calls to mind the achievements of George Orwell and Edmund Wilson, …

Politics and Post-Modernism  

In the new novel by Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa there is an arresting sequence in which the protagonist and his revolutionary comrades stop at the ancient mountain community of Quero. They rest there for two hours before continuing their …

The Woman Question & the Death of the Family  

It is not surprising that the woman question has come to seem urgent during the last few years. A period so given to activity in behalf of every liberation could be counted upon to leave no convention undisturbed. Although such …

A Critic of Literature and Politics  

Conor Cruise O’Brien, at least on the international scene the radical-liberal intellectual par excellence, has recently published a new collection of articles and speeches, Writers and Politics. As a United Nations official effectively in charge of the UN’s Congo operation, …