India: Today’s Politics and Beyond  

Surface storms that shake up Indian politics, such as the one that uprooted Morarji Desai’s government last year in mid-July or the more recent one over the year-end elections, are the only events in India’s politics that catch the world’s …

Asia after Bangladesh  

Despite its brevity, the 14-day war between India and Pakistan marks a major diplomatic watershed, and despite the localization of the combat it will strongly influence the future of southern Asia and relations between the United States, the Soviet Union, …

India: Triumph for Democracy  

IN INDIA, we have exhausted our exclamatory diction in describing the triumph of Mrs. Gandhi in the recent elections. So I will simply say it has been the greatest ever—quantitatively as good as Nehru’s, qualitatively better still. She had been …

The Inevitability of Mrs. Gandhi  

I want to put in perspective the great split in the Congress party of India in the middle of 1969, its leftward swing since then, and the hesitation in that swing during the fall of 1970, soon after the party’s …