Edward Carpenter: A life of liberty and love  

This is one of the best political biographies for many years. As well as being a book about a sadly forgotten icon of past progressive history, it is bursting with ideas that are still relevant to the future of humanity …

Moscow Pride Conference: Opening Keynote Speech  

Editor’s Note: Gay human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell gave the opening keynote speech at the Moscow Pride conference on 26 May 2007. Around 20 lesbian and gay campaigners were arrested. Many were abused, threatened and assaulted. Peter Tatchell was one …

Their Multiculturalism and Ours  

Paralysed by the fear of being branded racist, imperialist or Islamophobic, large sections of liberal and left opinion have, in effect, gone soft on their commitment to universal human rights. They readily, and rightly, condemn the excesses of US and …