Remembering Irving Howe  

I met Irving for the first time in Israel during the summer of 1974. liana, his wife, introduced me to him, during a meeting with several friends, all peace activists. Our very long conversation that summer initiated a twenty-year dialogue. …

Asking Some Hard Questions  

The following discussion, taped in the spring of 1988, was held between Menachem Brinker, an Israeli writer and activist in the peace camp, and Dissent editors Mitchell Cohen and Irving Howe. Dissent: Twenty-one years after the 1967 war and the …

The End of Zionism?  

The task of Zionism is very nearly completed. That is to say, the problem that Zionism set out to address is just about solved. Soon we will be living in a post-Zionist era, and there will no longer be a …