The Eurocommunist Schism  

To try to answer the question whether there are “varieties of communism”—Eurocommunism, Asian Communism—I make three assumptions: FIRST: Despotism is not a “degeneration” of Communism. So far, we haven’t seen any Communism in power except in Leninist-Stalinist, totalitarian versions. There …

Georges Sorel: Jansenist Marxist  

In what sense is Georges Sorel’s writing part of the history of Marxism? Sorel did not participate in any political movement that laid claim to Marx’s inheritance. He involved himself, to be sure, in all the great theoretical polemics of …

Freedom and Freedoms  

It ought not to be difficult to agree that restrictions on freedom are not quite so dangerous when we call them by their proper name instead of pretending that they are a more perfect form of freedom. Yet this awareness …

In Praise of Inconsistency  

I am dealing here with consistency in only one sense of the word: agreement, within thought, between general principles and their application. To me, a man is consistent with himself if, having at his disposal a certain number of general …

The Priest and the Jester  

We have done all we could to keep alive in our minds the main problems that in the course of centuries have troubled theologians, although today we formulate them in a somewhat different way. Philosophy has never freed itself from …

Responsibility and History  

You say,” says the Intellectual to his opponent, the Revolutionary, “that at a certain historical moment the specific interest of the working class becomes completely identified with the interests of all of mankind and not only preserves human values but …