Early Lukacs  

About 25 years ago, when the work of George Lukacs—and especially of the young Lukacs–was hardly known outside a rather restricted circle, it was easy to see what motivated his interpreters in wanting to find a new audience for him: …

The Modern Form of Drama  

Metatheatre: A New View of Dramatic Form by Lionel Abel Hill and Wang, 146 pp., $1.45 Heretofore most theorists of high drama have usually offered us this choice: Sophocles or Shakespeare. Critics who all their lives had pondered the Greek …

The Test Of Torture  

THE QUESTION, by Henri Alleg. Introduction by Jean-Paul Sartre. Translated from the French by John Calder. As one among many thousands, Henri Alleg describes the tortures he underwent at the hands of the 10th Paratroop division in Algeria. Tortures of …