The First Twenty Years  

Seeking a review of our twenty years of existence that would be neither encomium nor assault, but instead a considered and critical judgment, the editors of Dissent invited the writer Joseph Epstein to put down his opinions about and reactions …

The New Conservatives: Intellectuals in Retreat  

Ten years ago, who could have predicted the rise of a new conservatism in American life? Yet such a conservatism has arisen, and what among other things is new about it is that, unlike previous incarnations of conservatism in America, …

The Politics of William Buckley  

William F. Buckley, Jr.—author and editor, lecturer and columnist, one-time mayoral candidate for New York City, and leading publicist for the body of thought that goes by the name of conservatism in America—is an intellectual of a very special kind. …

Blue Collars in Cicero  

Cicero, Illinois, population 69,130, is a town with a sordid past and a troubled future. Cicero adjoins the City of Chicago on its West Side, and during a rare reform administration in Chicago it was the site to which Al …