Ho & the Americans  

Ho Chi Minh: A Biographical Introduction, by Charles Fenn. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 144 pp. Concerning the story of Ho Chi Minh’s life, the publishers of this new biography claim that “until now there has been very little biographical …

The Colonial Heritage in Vietnam  

The heritage of colonialism in Vietnam is Communism. The strength of the Communist party of Vietnam is a unique phenomenon in the developing world. Vietnam was the only country where a Communist-led government was established at the end of World …

Vietnam: Truce Without Peace  

On October 26, 1972, Henry Kissinger informed the American people that after four years of negotiations and several months of secret talks, peace finally was “at hand.” “We believe that an agreement is in sight, which is just to all …

How We Sank into Vietnam  

One of the most puzzling questions future historians will have to deal with is why the United States ever got involved in the contemporary struggle for Indochina that has been going on since 1945. Did the considerations that determined the …

Toward Peace At Paris?  

First, let me provide some necessary background, and then discuss Nixon’s assuming the Presidency, and how his choice of Henry Kissinger as chief foreign policy adviser may affect the Paris negotiations. At the end of October 1968, after 28 sessions, …

Notes on the Colonial Heritage in Vietnam  

The heritage of colonialism in Vietnam is Communism. The strength of the Communist party of Vietnam is a unique phenomenon in the developing world. Vietnam was the only country where a Communist-led government was established at the end of World …

The Vietnamese Mandarin  

There can be no doubt that the mandarins, whose authority derived from the acquisition of knowledge, were the country’s only wielders of power, nor that as a class they were firmly opposed to technical progress and social change. Thus, if …