The Growth of Citizen Politics  

The past decade dramatized questions of popular participation in politics on a global stage—but with some irony. Just when millions of people look to America as inspiration for democracy, our own politics is a mess. Problems facing America today require …

Communitarianism & the Left  

We live in what historian Lawrence Goodwyn has called “an age of sophisticated despair.” Centralized corporate structures and the modern bureaucratic state acquire an eerie life of their own, take on autonomous power in much the same sense that Marx …

Beyond Liberalism: Toward a Living Democracy  

On the surface, the big business program for the 1970s is much easier to understand than its acceptance by much of mainstream liberalism and the public at large. From the early ’70s onward, such corporate-connected strategists as John Connolly, William Simon, David Rockefeller, and even Charles …

Beyond Liberalism: Toward a Living Democracy  

On the surface, the big business program for the 1970s is much easier to understand than its acceptance by much of mainstream liberalism and the public at large. From the early ’70s onward, such corporate-connected strategists as John Connolly, William …