Introductory Note  

The following four essays examine the phenomenon of the Sunbelt from a number of perspectives. Alfred J. Watkins begins by examining the rapid growth of the Sunbelt. He argues that the attraction of the Sunbelt region to business can be …

The Barred Door: Money and Public Office  

There is overwhelming evidence that political power is a class phenomenon in America. From the beginning of the Republic, federal officeholders and most state officials have been drawn from the professional upper-middle-income class of white, Anglo-Saxon males.’ While the civil-rights …

Civil Rights, 30 Years Later  

The current phase of the black struggle for freedom and equality is approaching its 30th year. No one would deny that a great deal of positive change has taken place during this period, producing many gains for black Americans. Still, …

Head Start – Where Are the Headlines Now?  

In the early 1960s, American political leaders were looking for a panacea, a quick, easy solution for the embarrassing, even dangerous, problems of poverty, hunger, malnutrition, and explosive political alienation. Head Start was the perfect cure. It was relatively noncontroversial, …

Welfare Policies for the Rich  

Despite rhetoric about free enterprise, big business has long sought government aid to protect it from the rigors of the market, insure large profits, and allow it to escape taxes on profits and wealth. Apologists for capitalism often hold welfare …