What Socialism Is and Is Not  

Socialists are at a minimum committed to economic planning that goes counter to the operation of an economy in which private firms predominate and profits are distributed among shareholders and managers. A system of this kind necessarily perpetuates the class …

Collectivism Reconsidered  

When one glances through the writings of our modern, hard-headed, nonutopian sociologists—students of industrial organization, of “labor relations,” of the corporation and its managerial structure—one notices a strain of controlled optimism in their otherwise businesslike and down-to-earth findings. Much as …

Socialism and the Jews  

The following remarks have been occasioned by a recent revival of interest in the topic of socialist anti-Semitism. Or, to put the matter in a different context, by a rereading of scholarly studies dealing with the role assigned in socialist …

Notebook: Does Public Ownership Still Matter?  

Anthony Crosland is the ablest and most persuasive spokesman of the British Labor party’s “New Right,” notably that section of it which is also pro-European and skeptical of what Mr. Gaitskell on a recent occasion described as “an independent foreign …