From a Labor Journal  

With the depression that followed World War I, Detroit became a beehive of radical activity. Splits occurred in the Socialist party, with some of the members flocking into the Communist party and others forming new groups, like the Proletarian University …

Trouble in Auto  

The auto workers are facing serious trouble these days The trouble was dramatized by an incident reported in the Detroit News (Feb. 16): The UAW’s 24-year tenure as spokesman for 550,000 Detroit-area auto workers was challenged today. Ouster of the …

New Problems for the Unions  

At the outset a word should be said about the present climate of opinion in relation to trade unions. It has become the fashion, not only among reactionaries but also among liberals, to deprecate “big labor” along with “big business” …

The Auto Worker  

It has been said that every industry breeds its own type of man. True though this is of the auto industry, it would still be a mistake to infer a “composite auto worker” or a “typical auto worker.” Anyone writing …

The “Guaranteed Annual Wage”  

“The guaranteed annual wage is not a stepping stone to full security, but a milepost in a social struggle that never ends because the ramifications of America’s economy are such that with each new round of the class struggle something is almost always gained but nothing is ever solved.”