An AFL Fairy Tail  

What is going on in the AFL-CIO camp at the moment, performed unconsciously as if Art Buchwald had written the scenario in the manner of his now famous column on what would have happened had Goldwater been elected president, proves …

Kennedy and the Unions  

If anyone except a trade-union president—say a bank president, an old-line political boss, an insurance-company president, or a corporation lawyer—had ordered as much cash and manpower into an election campaign as Walter Reuther mobilized for Jack Kennedy, he would have …

Porkchppper Passage  

Not long ago in Washington someone wanted to know how many union staff people worked in the city and whether an accurate estimate could be made of the number of Jews with union staff jobs in the community. The first …

Moral Dave Beck – Unethical Scapegoat  

Speaking at the 16th Convention of the United Automobile Workers Union in Atlantic City, Monsignor Higgins, who has agreed to serve on the public watchdog committee created by the UAW to advertise its integrity to the world, declared that organization …