Four More Years  

What happened? Ronald Reagan beat Walter Mondale by 59 percent to 41 percent in the popular vote, carrying a majority of every age group, of both sexes, and of every income class above $10,000 per year. Union members supported Mondale …

Of Human Tragedy & Economic Disaster  

This book is about job loss, plant closings, and community decline, or what the authors call “wide- spread, systematic disinvestment in the nation’s basic productive capacity.” They describe the various forms such disinvestment takes, assess its impact, analyze the forces …

Economic Policy for the 1980s?  

An interesting poll done for the New York Stock Exchange by Garth, Friedman, and Morris last December (after the election) reveals that 61 percent of the American people believe the U.S. economy is in a crisis. They are right. Evidence …