What Passes for Labor History  

Tentacles of Power: The Story of Jimmy Hoffa by Clark R. Mollenhoff World, 415 pp., $6.50 Hoffa and the Teamsters: A Study of Union Power by Ralph C. James and Estelle Dinerstein James Van Nostrand, 430 pp., $6.95 Clark R. …

How To Succeed In Bilking, Etc.  

THE GENTLEMEN CONSPIRATORS, by John G. Fuller. Grove Press, Inc. In one of his lively discourses on contemporary socioeconomic trends, Professor James Riddle Hoffa, summa cum laude, of the Graduate School of Hard Knocks, declared in 1961 that, “the zillion …

The UAW: Limitations of Unionism  

One wet October morning the telephone at the foreman’s desk rang. It was a call from the chairman of the shop committee. “I’m putting you in my place as committeeman,” he said. “Why?” “Because,” he answered, “I’ve been fired. 1 …