A Voice from India: Asoka Mehta 
I r was said that 10 days shook the world in 1917 and two days shook the world in 1968. In these two days, the people of Czechoslovakia have shown that, given the unity, they are able to assert their …
I r was said that 10 days shook the world in 1917 and two days shook the world in 1968. In these two days, the people of Czechoslovakia have shown that, given the unity, they are able to assert their …
1) The Heritage of Traditional Society India has been a traditional society for centuries. Writing of the country as it was after the death of Akbar the Great, in 1605 A.D., W. H. Moreland, the distinguished historian of India, observes …
Dear Plastrik: Thank you for your cable of 19th inst. I find it difficult to understand what the dismay is about. Goa, Diu and Daman were three Portuguese possessions in India. After the British and the French left from India, …
In the new states [in Asia, Africa and the Middle East]. one after another, the very groundwork we are discussing [representative government and public liberties] is in danger of being destroyed. There is another difficulty. Though all of us seem …
When the relationship of socialism and peasantry is explored, it is necessary to understand the peasant’s conception of development. It is, however, not easy to trace it. The peasant is not a very articulate being. He has not gone in …
Recently, a newspaperwoman said to me: “When I am in England I feel like a Conservative, in Italy I feel like a Socialist, in India I feel like a Communist.” When asked what she meant by this, she explained that …