Two Years of Dissent: To Our Readers and Friends (and critics too)

Two Years of Dissent: To Our Readers and Friends (and critics too)

For a quarterly to indulge in a retrospect after two years of existence might seem a little premature. But those who know the difficulties of publishing a magazine like DISSENT may forgive us the indulgence. Besides, there may be some use in saying a few words, informally, about our present situation, our future, and some of the criticisms that have been made of the magazine.


The handicaps that beset us are known to many of you. That DISSENT has survived, and in a modest way made its mark, strikes us as a kind of miracle. Whatever the shortcomings of the magazine, and we are not the last to recognize them, the fact remains that it has gradually come to be recognized as a voice of the democratic left in Am...