

All politicians these days run for office scared. It’s harder and harder to get elected. But now we have the sight of a politician “running scared” for nomination to office! And three years to go!

Less Profile, More Courage

ALL POLITICIANS these days run for office scared. It’s harder and harder to get elected. But now we have the sight of a politician “running scared” for nomination to office! And three years to go!

What’s he scared about? Senator John Kennedy (D., Mass.) can’t miss out on the Democratic presidential nomination in 1960 any more than he can fail to be elected in November of 1960. Slow up, Senator; you’re in.

Sure there’ll be knock-down, drag-out battles at both party conventions, but if the leaders would just consider the facts they’d spare the man a lot of agony. Kennedy has everything:

Personality: Handsome good...