Belabored Podcast #34: Communities Rise Up For Public Ed

Belabored Podcast #34: Communities Rise Up For Public Ed

Sarah and Michelle talk about Washington’s epic fail on unemployment benefits, rampant labor violations by companies operating on federal contracts, Chris Hayes and the union drive at an NBC subsidiary, and a recap of last week’s #LowPayisNotOkay protests. Plus voices from 32BJ and the Alliance for Quality Education.

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This week on Belabored, Sarah and Michelle round up some of the week’s labor news: Washington’s epic fail on unemployment benefits, reports of rampant labor violations by companies operating on federal contracts, Chris Hayes and the union drive at an NBC subsidiary, and a recap of last week’s #LowPayisNotOkay low-wage worker protests.

Then they discuss this week’s major national labor action in the classroom, with protests in dozens of cities led by teachers and community groups, demanding fair school funding, less testing and more creativity in the curriculum, and resistance to privatization. Then they get their journo-envy on with some “Argh! I wish I’d written that!” stories.

Featuring the voices of 32BJ workers and Billy Easton of the Alliance for Quality Education.

Links for those reading along at home:

Study Finds Federal Contracts Given to Flagrant Violators of Labor Laws

Michelle: When Federal Contracts Turn Into Corporate Welfare
Exclusive: Chris Hayes attends secret union meeting with unhappy NBC workers

Sarah: A Group of Workers Corporate America Claimed Were Impossible to Organize Win Key Union Votes

Michelle: Teachers Seek to ‘Reclaim’ Education

Sarah: Taking the Caring Out of Teaching

Michelle: While Schools Sink, NYC Teachers Get Slammed in Shame Game

Sarah: How Young Is Too Young for Multiple-Choice Tests? (A) 5 (B) Never

Michelle: Civil Rights Organizations File Complaint Over New York’s High Stakes Tests

Sarah: What You Need to Know About the Seattle Teachers’ Rebellion and the Deeply Flawed Test That Inspired It

Sarah: Bill de Blasio’s Vision For A More Equal New York

What We Wish We’d Written:

Anna Simonton, Alternet: How Wall Street Power Brokers Are Designing the Future of Public Education as a Money-Making Machine

John Nichols, The Nation: Nelson Mandela: Union Man