Belabored Podcast #36: Forever Temp

Belabored Podcast #36: Forever Temp

This week, a special discussion of Sarah’s investigation into temping in manufacturing. Plus, SeaTac’s fight for $15 an hour, Portland teachers’ fight for a fair contract, and Congress’s fight over whether the unemployed should get their benefits, and a labor uprising in South Korea.

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Returning from holiday break (for which we thank the labor movement), Michelle and Sarah bring you stories of workers in limbo: updates from SeaTac’s fight for $15 an hour, from the Portland teachers’ fight for a fair contract, and Congress’s fight over whether the unemployed should get their benefits, as well as an update on labor uprising in South Korea. Then, Sarah has a new investigation out on temp workers in manufacturing, and she and Michelle discuss the temping of America—how good, secure jobs became precarious, low-wage temp gigs, the role gender plays, why temps get extra screwed by the failings of labor law, and more. Finally, they cross the pond for a couple of “Argh!” stories from the UK.


Preparing for a Test of Education Justice

Portland Teachers to send latest offer by Saturday

SeaTac’s minimum wage workers might not get their raise after all

Showdown vote ahead on Senate Democrats’ bill to extend jobless benefits

A lifeline just ran out for 1.3 million people

Michelle: Angry Workers Swarm Seoul’s Streets, Demand President Resign

South Korea Rail Workers Strike against Privatization

Temp Work and Outsourcing:

Sarah: Forever Temp?

Michelle: A New Day, A New Danger: Temporary Workers Face Safety Hazards at Work

Michelle: When Federal Contracts Turn Into Corporate Welfare

Michelle: The U.S. Government Uses Sweatshops, Too

Michelle: From Indonesia to California, Laborers Say ‘No’ to Precarious Work

Temp Land: Working in the New Economy

Argh, I Wish I’d Written That!:

Paul Mason at Channel 4: Thatcher vs. the miners: Official papers confirm the strikers’ worst suspicions

(See also Belabored Episode 2 with Paul Mason)

Emily Dugan, Independent: Bucharest to London: On the bus with the Romanians taking the 52-hour ride in search of a new life in Britain

Sarah and Michelle discuss unpaid labor on Up Front on KPFA