Troubles in the Coal Fields  

The coal strike of 1977-78 resulted in a serious defeat for the United Mine Workers’ Union. After a remarkable display of solidarity, the miners returned to work on March 27 dissatisfied and discouraged. The final contract gave them a 37 …

The Problem of Scarcity  

Scarcity: A Critique of the American Economy, by Gus Tyler. New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co. 245 pp. Is scarcity inevitable in post-OPEC America, where natural resources are in ever shorter supply and the terms of trade continue …

American Socialism  

Failure of a Dream?: Essays in the History of American Socialism, edited by John M. Laslett and Seymour Martin Lipset. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press, Doubleday. 754 pp. As I read this collection of articles, both new and familiar, …

Mobility in America  

The Other Bostonians: Poverty and Progress in the American Metropolis, 1880- 1970, by Stephan Thernstrom. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 345 pp. For more than a decade Stephan Thernstrom has been studying patterns of social mobility among American workers in the …


American blacks have made such remarkable progress since the inception of the New Frontier that their current condition is far better than most people realize, according to Scammon and Wattenberg, spokesmen for the “center” of the Democratic party. Replying in …

In the Magazines  

“The Intellectual as Critic and Rebel,” by Seymour Martin Lipset and Richard B. Dobson. Daedalus, Summer 1972. In a Daedalus forum on “Intellectuals and Change,” Seymour Martin Lipset and Richard B. Dobson argue that the “historical and traditional” stance of …

In the Magazines  

Union Democracy Review, No. 1, Fall 1972. Unfortunately, few people except unionists know or care much about the internal life of the American labor movement. For those who are interested, Herman Benson’s new Union Democracy Review is a must. A …

On “Radicalizing” Our Students  

“The Radicalizing of a Teacher of Literature,” by Ellen Cantarow. Change, May 1972. Though the energies of the radical student movement seem to have ebbed, thousands of “movement people” are still seeking ways to act upon their often valid critique …

In the Magazines  

Orlando Patterson, “On the Fate of Blacks in the Americas,” Public Interest, Spring 1972. Simple slogans of black separatism and black power have faded with incredible speed since the riot-torn 1960s. Black activism is now more political and sophisticated than …

Czechs, Ms., and Samizdat  

George Moldau, “Inspired by Amalrik,” Survey, August 1971 Three years after Russian tanks rolled across the border, the “consolidation” of a Sovietcontrolled regime has been accomplished in Czechoslovakia. A tiny Communist party, operating without popular support, has stabilized the Czech …