“The Homeland Is in Danger” An Open Letter to Menahem Begin

“The Homeland Is in Danger” An Open Letter to Menahem Begin

Last spring the distinguished Israeli historian Jacob Talmon published in the newspaper Haaretz an “Open Letter to Prime Minister Menahem Begin,” criticizing the policies of the government with respect to settlements in the West Bank, expansionist and chauvinistic tendencies, etc. This “Open Letter” attracted attention in Israel because of its fundamental character and because its author could not be accused of narrow partisan concerns. We decided to translate the letter for American readers and gained Professor Talmon’s consent. He received the first half of the translation and checked it personally but, alas, the heart condition from which he had suffered for some years became acute and he could not check the second half. Professor Talmon died this summer. His friend Abba Eban has kindly gone over the English version, which follows the original Hebrew text except for the omission of some opening reflections on the role of the historian an...