Let Us March In Unison

Let Us March In Unison

Sons and daughters of the soil, on Monday, 21st March, 1960, we launch our Positive Decisive Action against the Pass Laws. Exactly 7 a.m. we launch. Oh, yes, we launch—there is no doubt about it. (ALL OVER.)

We have reached the cross roads— we have crossed our historical Rubicon —Izwe Lethu!

At this stage of our struggle we have a choice before us. Are we still prepared to be half-human beings in our fatherland or are we prepared to be citizens—men and women in a democratic non-racial South Africa? How long shall we be called Bantu, Native, Non-European, Non-White, or black, stinking Kaffir in our fatherland? When shall we be called Sir, Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ladies and Gentlemen? How long shall we stay in the squalors of Windermere or the Sahara Desert of Nyanga West? How long shall we rot physically, spiritually and morallyema Plangeni? How long shall we starve amidst plenty in our fatherland? How long shall we be a rightless, voteless and voiceless eleven million in our fatherland?

On what meat doth this our oppressive White Man Boss feed that he has grown so great? Sons and daughters of Africa—there is a choice before us. We are either slaves or free men—that’s all.

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